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Word RAM Model

This may seem simple, but we're really going to need this model and really rely on this model increasingly as we get to more insteresting data structures. By Erik Demaine

The Word RAM model is a computational model used to analyze the performance of algorithms and data structures. It assumes a random-access memory (RAM) where the memory is organized as an array of w-bit words.

Key Concepts

  • 기억할 것

    • 단순하게 표현하기 때문에 데이터 구조를 이해하는데 직관적
    • 배열 접근 O(1) 안에 이루어지는 것을 이해. 자료 구조를 들어가면 갈수록 그 설계들은 빠른 접근을 전제로 설계됨.
  • Memory:

    • The memory is an array of w-bit words.
    • An "array" refers to a consecutive chunk of memory.
    • Accessing an element in the array can be done in O(1) time.
    • array[i] = memory[address(array) + i].

w-bit Words

  • Definition:

    • Each word in the memory is w bits wide.
    • "w" represents the word size, which is the number of bits in each word.
  • Examples:

    • In a 32-bit system, each word is 32 bits (4 bytes).
    • In a 64-bit system, each word is 64 bits (8 bytes).


  • Data Representation:

    • The size of w determines how much data can be stored in each word.
  • Memory Addressing:

    • The word size affects the memory address space. For example, a 64-bit system can address more memory than a 32-bit system.
  • Performance:

    • Algorithms assume O(1) time complexity for accessing memory locations. This is crucial for the efficiency of many data structures and algorithms.


  • The Word RAM model is fundamental in computer science for designing and analyzing algorithms.
  • It simplifies the theoretical analysis by assuming constant time for basic operations like reading and writing to memory.

By understanding the Word RAM model and the significance of w-bit words, one can better appreciate the design and efficiency of modern data structures and algorithms.